tinywabbitbigcupTINY WABBIT, GIANT CUP

PANT! PANT! PUFF! PUFF!!!!!!..........????

The White Wabbit was on a health and fitness kick. Things in the mirror were looking grim; waistbands were shrinking in the wash, bras were getting smaller - she was sure it was those Chinese manufacturers.  

The nice lady in Farmers department store had assured her of this when she wailed "LOOK AT IT! ....THIS CUP SIZE IS BIGGER THAN MY HEAD!!!!!"

 The White Wabbit proceeded  to demonstrate by wearing the bra as a hat and walking about the changing cubicle, still wailing. The sales assistant - herself a comfortably built lady - pointed two fingers downward at her own ample breasts, nodding.

"Girlfriend, I feel your pain". A lovely warm glow of female bonding filled the cubicle.

She gently took the bra off the White Wabbit's head and adjusted its straps.

"Now, this is a Serena Williams. Designed to reduce bounce by 40%"

The White Wabbit looked in the mirror. "Not too shabby" she thought. The cut was flattering.

She did a little Wabbit bounce - looking good.  

She bounced again, harder this time. Things were staying put...............

She went into full-on Wabbit bouncy!  bouncy ! BOUNCY!..............

"YES! YES! YES!" she screamed, "I will take six!"????????????????????????

Her new friend the sales assistant smiled.



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