wild tomato jan 2017 1THE WHITE WABBIT IN WILD TOMATO

The White Wabbit was excited to find herself in print. Wild Tomato magazine, no less, complete with pictures. Imagine her joy and surprise when she was in Paper Plus leafing through magazines and BAM! Abby's Shabby Shack was in the glamping section. 

Summer had been a whirl of people staying, high teas, picnicking and tea selling. She had completely forgotten the day lovely Brenda Webb called round for a story.

It seemed like a good idea to buy every copy in the shop - you can never have enough publicity when you are aiming for world domination and launching a tea label. 


wild tomato jan 2017 2

Wabbits are sharing creatures by nature, so sending a few copies to overseas friends seemed like a good idea.

Tea and a magazine, what could be more perfect?

Love, The White Wabbbit ????

There's an edited copy of the article below, or you can read the full magazine here.





Read an edited version of the article in Wild Tomato January 2017.

A Glamping We Will Go

Courtesy: Wild Tomato/ASKJAMESON.com

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